Exercise for prostatitis

exercise for prostatitis in men

Inflammation of the prostate or neoplasms in the form of adenomas, leading to urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction, is a consequence of general body aging or is caused by external infections and an inappropriate lifestyle.

Regardless of the cause of this pathology, a special set of physical exercises can greatly facilitate the process of treatment and restoration of prostate function in men.

General physical education, the effect of which is tripled with a healthy diet and rejection of alcohol and cigarettes, strengthens a man's immune and hormonal system and in most cases eliminates the occurrence of prostatitis, even in severeage.

But if there are already the slightest signs of inflammation, such as difficulty and pain when urinating, you should see a doctor before self-medication. The severity of the symptoms of prostatitis can be misleading. Only after research by a specialist can the stage and nature of the course of the disease and a set of physical exercises corresponding to it be determined.

In patients who have been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and during the recovery process from adenoma surgery, special therapeutic exercises are prescribed, which are performed under the supervision of a doctor. In mild forms of inflammation, the effects of medication can be supported by exercise, which strengthens the muscles and improves blood circulation to the pelvic area. Physical activity not only stimulates the metabolism, but also relieves the psychological stress caused by the disease and supports the male body, revealing all the possibilities of self-healing.

Daily Exercise

The entire male population of the planet is subject to a sedentary lifestyle to one degree or another. For those who work only in the case of freezing for many hours in the fifth point, ie in people with a daily sitting position of eight or more hours, regular training and short warm-ups every hour and a half in a static position, regardless of where the person is.

Exercise to prevent prostatitis can be entered in the special training menu or you can do only one of them as a short warm-up, repeated up to ten times. All exercises are done while standing, the first movement is inhalation, the transition to the starting position is exhalation. The back is straight, the legs do not come out of the floor.

  • Semi-squats with knees on the sides.
  • Lifting the leg bent at the knee so that the thigh line is parallel to the floor. Then move the straight leg behind the back. You can change this exercise by moving the leg to the side. If you have difficulty maintaining balance, you can first practice with your hand resting on the back of the chair. Then gradually move on to execution without emphasis.
  • Slow circular motions with a straight leg while stretching the buttock muscles.
  • Wide anterior and lateral lung. In this case, the other leg is bent.
  • Jump in place, with two legs and interchangeable legs
  • Pull up to the roof with your arms outstretched.

To warm up all day, you can do exercises to stretch and relax your abdomen and buttocks. The main principle is to define the most tense muscles and their gradual relaxation for a possible long period of time. In addition, these exercises can also be performed in a sitting position.

Climbing stairs is another handy exercise for prostatitis that strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. You can imitate such a step on a bench or chair, while, depending on the degree of fatigue, you can do this exercise at different rates from slow walking to brisk running.

A set of exercises for the pelvic organs

a set of exercises for prostatitis in men

Exercise for prostatitis and adenoma must be strictly normalized: you can not be exhausted, you must definitely follow the measure and get some energy and enjoyment from training.

When exercising in the morning or on the mat at home, do exercises that strengthen the pelvic and perineal muscles and improve blood circulation in the lower torso. It is important to note that exercise progress is measured not only by increasing repetitions, but also by improving technique. The stretch should increase over time, the movements will become light and clean.

Most exercises are performed with leg movements while lying on your back:

  • The straight legs are raised vertically on the floor and held for a few seconds.
  • Straightening the legs bent at the knees parallel to the floor.
  • Foot movements, such as riding a bicycle, you must perform up to 500 circular movements daily. In this case, the movement must be both clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Lift the pelvis with your knees bent over the floor, then straighten your legs and spread them in opposite directions.
  • Draw circles and eight on your feet, you can differentiate this exercise by moving your legs closed and straightening up and down and diagonally.
  • From a prone position, you should lift your legs and spread them to the sides. Correct this position for a few seconds.

You must also practice:

  • Exercises with a training ball: rolling while sitting and lying down, push the ball between the hips and legs, jumping in this position.
  • Pressures from the floor, for beginners - from the wall or the bar.
  • Bench reservation: positions with emphasis on the elbows and legs.
  • Move your buttocks while sitting.
  • Rope.
  • Bends forward from a supine position with stable legs.

In the daily exercise complex, exercises should be done to stretch the muscles and increase the flexibility of the lower spine.

Yoga for prostatitis

Before doing the exercises called asanas, you need to do some preparatory work. To determine which exercises are appropriate for each individual case, you need to acquire basic knowledge about hada yoga, reach a certain level of muscle tension and acquire a specific respiratory complex.

Here is a description of three asanas that will take a long time to complete:

  • The legs are separated in an unfinished part 10 cm from the floor, the body bends and the arms touch the leg extensively. The same goes in the other direction.
  • Straight posture, the weight is transferred to a half bent leg. The foot of the other foot is transferred over the support leg, the arms are intertwined around the body.
  • Lying on your stomach, grasp your ankles with your hands and arch your body as much as possible.

Invisible exercise for prostatitis

therapeutic exercises for prostatitis

These are special physical exercises that are suitable for prostatitis and require concentration and relaxation. With their help, a unique massage effect is achieved. The exercise should be repeated several times a day, doing 10-20 repetitions.

  • While inhaling, pull the anus, while exhaling, relax. It is important to do the exercise rhythmically using two different options. The first involves pulling and relaxing at regular intervals as quickly as possible. In the latter case, the state of maximum intensity should be maintained as much as possible, then the muscles should be relaxed gradually and gradually - also prolonging this process as much as possible.
  • Stop urinating. You can literally practice stopping the flow of urine, thus reducing the breaks to 30 per urination. You can also simulate stopping urination with muscle contraction.

These exercises can and should be performed for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, alternating starting positions: standing, sitting, lying down. If done correctly, you can feel a heat wave in the groin area, there may be a slight residual pain that should disappear over time.

Physiotherapy exercises

This is a special set of physical exercises for the treatment of prostatitis, which, as a rule, are combined with massage and other physiotherapy procedures and lead to the restoration of the disturbed functions of erection, urination and defecation. Such exercises, which in principle repeat the preventive exercise complex, are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the medical history and after the urologist decides on the question of how to treat the disease. Exercise with prostatitis can cause increased pain, so it is important to do it with regular medical monitoring.

Exercise for chronic prostatitis is very rare. According to the urologist, exercises can also be prescribed on simulators and use dumbbells and bars to pump specific muscle groups.

Any type of physical activity - walking, running, swimming, skipping rope, cycling, in the absence of medical contraindications, contribute to the treatment of prostatitis, increasing the patient's vitality and improving his mood.