What Are The Best Prostatitis Pills?

Inflammation of the prostate can be treated with medication. On a mandatory basis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. They suppress the vital activity of infections, making it possible to stop the inflammation of the prostate.

Alpha-1-blockers, bioregulatory peptides and herbal preparations are also used during treatment. These drugs are essential for eliminating dysuric disorders, relieving inflammation and pancreatic edema, normalizing activity, and improving trophic tissue.

If prostatitis is acute and accompanied by severe pain, the patient can not do without the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticonvulsant tablets.

What antibiotics should I take?

How to treat prostatitis in men with pills? To stop inflammation in the prostate, a man should undergo complex antibiotic treatment.

Exceptions are cases where the patient was diagnosed with congestive prostatitis, that is, the pathological process was caused not by infectious agents, but by stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.

The doctor selects the antibiotics on an individual basis. Previously, a man would have to undergo LHC prostate culture to identify which pathogens caused abnormal processes in the prostate.

In treatment, antibiotics belonging to the groups are usually used:

  1. Penicillins.
  2. 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins.
  3. Aminoglycosides.
  4. 2nd and 3rd generation fluoroquinolones.
  5. Macrolides.

Antibiotics are not only produced in the form of tablets for oral use. Many products in this section are produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection.

Important! The duration of antibiotic treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the treatment is carried out in several courses.

Tablets from the alpha-1-blocker group

Pills for prostatitis in a man are chosen by the treating physician. With conservative treatment, alpha-1-blockers are essentially used. These medications are needed to improve urination and relieve dysuric disorders. The pills are dispensed in pharmacies with a prescription from the treating physician.

Alpha-1 blockers can be taken freely even in old age, provided the person does not have serious cardiovascular disease.

How do medicines work? The tablets relax the smooth muscular structure of the prostate, bladder neck and urethra. Because of this, a man can urinate painlessly. With the use of alpha-blockers, the frequency of urination is reduced.

These medicines help prevent acute urinary retention. It is recommended to take alpha-1-blocker for long courses - at least 1-2 months. By the way, the means of this section are used not only for prostatitis, but also for benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma).

Important! Alpha-1-blockers are strictly prohibited for men with acute liver problems and orthostatic hypotension.

What other pills should I take?

pills to treat prostatitis

Bioregulatory peptides are excellent for relieving the symptoms of prostatitis. This money can be obtained without hindrance even in adulthood, as the drugs are completely harmless.

Peptides are available as tablets, suppositories and injections.

Also used to treat prostatitis:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.Required for patients with severe pain syndrome associated with prostatitis.
  2. Anticonvulsants.They help to stop the spasm of the perineal muscles.
  3. Natural herbs and homeopathic remedies.Available in over-the-counter pharmacies.

It should be noted that not all herbal preparations are good. Many mannequins are for sale today.

Important! Special advice is required before using any medicine.

Means to increase power

It is no secret that prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia of any severity are accompanied by a bad erection. In the context of prostate diseases, organic impotence can develop.

In view of this, men have a natural question, how to increase strength in case of prostate inflammation? You can also use specialized pills to normalize erectile function.

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, the patient should eat properly, exercise physically and not drink alcohol. Also, when treating prostatitis and ED, it is recommended that you limit yourself to smoking.

In order to eliminate stagnation of blood in the small pelvis and improve the outflow of secretions from the prostate, a doctor may prescribe a massage with the fingers of the prostate. Men's reviews confirm that the physiotherapy process has a positive effect not only on the pancreas, but also on activity.