What are the reasons for the development of prostatitis in men

There are several causes of prostatitis in men. Each type of inflammation in the prostate gland is caused by its own factors that adversely affect the male body. By knowing exactly what leads to prostatitis, a person can be protected from this pathology. To do this, as long as he is not exposed to the negative influence of an aggressive environment and takes care of his own health.

Classification of prostatitis

types and forms of prostatitis in men

Before you know what causes prostatitis, it is important to understand the classification of this disease. Experts divide it into different types. They are distinguished from each other by the symptoms and the causes of their appearance. If you suspect the development of prostatitis in men who came to the appointment, the urologist will first try to identify a type of pathological procedure. Inflammation of the prostate can be:

  • Acid bacterium.It is considered the most dangerous form of diseases of the urinary system. It is caused by an acute infection that enters the body.
  • Chronic bacterium.It has a permanent character. The disease is felt with each deterioration.
  • Abacterial.It is caused by specific causes of prostatitis, which are caused by the absence of damage to the gland by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Asymptomatic.The most difficult diagnosis, as it progresses without obvious signs of distress. The disease can be detected only after a study of the urinary system.

Each type of prostatitis has its own causes.

Each classification has its own event. Thanks to them, doctors are able to distinguish different types of diseases from each other. Properly calculating the cause of prostatitis helps determine the form of inflammation.

Acute inflammation of the gland is the easiest diagnosis and treatment. It is usually caused by colds and severe hypothermia. The disease gives a high body temperature and fever. With such symptoms, the patient should see a doctor.

The acute form of the disease is often accompanied by painful sensations in the perineum, groin, genitals and anus. The severity of the main signs of discomfort in men depends on the cause of prostatitis. Usually, acute inflammation begins after infection of the prostate. Unfortunately, its source in most cases is almost impossible to determine. Such a disease must be treated immediately. The longer a person delays treatment, the more likely they are to develop chronic prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis develops due to the fact that a man, for some reason, did not have time to heal the acute course of the disease in time. Most of the time, this is exactly what happens, as few people try to turn to a specialist for help at the first sign of distress.

Chronic prostatitis has many symptoms that cause severe discomfort. Regardless of the cause, the disease manifests itself along with difficulty or frequent urination, lower abdominal pain, as well as violation of sexual life. Chronic prostatitis is very persistent. Therefore, with the help of the usual treatment, you will definitely not be able to get rid of it.

Prostatitis, which is characterized by a chronic course, helps to identify persistent pain. The sharp decline in the quality of sex life is also a worrying sign. If such signs are found, it is urgent to consult a specialist. With such a diagnosis, it is impossible to refuse treatment, as this will cause some serious health complications.

Bacterial prostatitis is usually caused by congestion in the prostate and other pelvic organs. It has almost all the symptoms that characterize older types of inflammatory diseases.

Causes of bacterial prostatitis

causes of bacterial prostatitis

Many men are interested in what causes bacterial prostatitis and why the disease occurs. Its name already indicates the main cause of the pathology. This disorder can be caused by pathogenic microflora, which in various ways enters the urogenital system and reaches the prostate. There are several other factors that cause inflammation. They increase the chance of getting sick. The treating physician must determine and familiarize himself with the cause of the pathology in order to choose the best possible treatment for the patient.

Both pathogens and opportunistic microorganisms can cause bacterial prostatitis.

Bacterial prostatitis occurs due to damage to the organs of the urinary system by the following pathogens:

  1. Chlamydia?
  2. Streptococci?
  3. Gonococcus;
  4. Escherichia coli;
  5. Trichomonas?
  6. Pale Treponema.

When you ask a doctor what causes a man to have prostatitis, the patient should get the most accurate answer from him. The specialist will tell you that this form of the disease is often sexually transmitted through unprotected intercourse, as the causative agent may be microorganisms that cause the development of aphrodisiac pathologies.

Bacterial prostatitis is caused by the following causes and factors:

  • Infectious diseases of the urinary system, which occur in acute or chronic form.
  • Genetic predisposition?
  • Fuzzy sex life?
  • Prolonged abstinence from sex.
  • Unprotected intimate relationships.
  • Sedentary lifestyle?
  • Hypothermia?
  • Weak immunity?
  • Overweight and obesity?
  • Having bad habits.
because prostatitis occurs in men

It is very easy to get prostatitis from hypothermia during the cold season. Colds are dangerous not only for men but also for women. In their case, severe hypothermia of the body is fraught with the development of cystitis.

Many factors that adversely affect the body, such as hypothermia, can make prostatitis worse.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis, which can occur due to lack of timely treatment, in most cases occurs in a latent form. The man does not even notice that unhealthy changes are taking place in his body. The disease reminds itself only in moments of deterioration. If the patient is affected by adverse factors, then the chronic form of prostatitis is quickly replaced by acute. After that, painful symptoms appear, which force the man to go to the urologist.

Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis can occur for any reason. To avoid this, a man does not need to overcool, succumb to stress and strong emotions and also allow infection by viral diseases.

Recurrence of prostatitis is sometimes caused by surgery on the organs of the urinary system.

Causes of congestive prostatitis

Patients ask urologists what causes congestive prostatitis. Many experts are convinced that this form of inflammatory disease is caused by the following reasons:

  • Psychosomatic disorders?
  • Congestion, ie stagnation of biological fluids.
  • Violation of the microcirculation and hemodynamic processes in the small pelvis.

This causes bacterial (stagnant) prostatitis. It is diagnosed when the patient has a congestion condition. This is the name of the stagnation of secretions in the prostate. This is due to the lack of proper drainage and blood filling of the pelvic veins. Because of this, they overfill in the area of ​​the lower vesicle and the prostate gland.

It is believed that congestion in the small pelvis along with chronic pelvic pain syndrome can lead to the development of chronic prostatitis. The following factors increase this probability many times over:

reasons for the development of congestive prostatitis
  • Severe hypothermia?
  • The practice of stopping contact as the main method of contraception.
  • Masturbation?
  • Anxiety?
  • Sedentary lifestyle?
  • Obesity?
  • Chronic nicotine poisoning.

The main reasons also include concomitant pathologies related to the development of varicose veins located in the pelvic area. Also, this group includes violations of the rectum and failure of the motor function of the intestine. All of these factors are the definitive answer to the questions about why prostatitis occurs.

Congestive prostatitis is called an illness of office workers, so physical activity after work is essential


If a man begins to show signs of prostatitis, he should consult a urologist immediately for medical help. The sooner he does this, the sooner he will get rid of the nasty disease. Unfortunately, its first symptoms appear after some time, so in the early stages of development, the inflammatory process in the gland can only be detected during a routine examination. The diagnosis of the chronic course of bacterial prostatitis has the most difficulties. This is because it can not appear with strong signs. They are usually so weak that a person does not actually notice them.

Doctors understand that the prostate gland is affected by a disease such as prostatitis, which is diagnosed only in men, after examining the results of tests and examinations passed by the patient:

  1. Clinical analysis of urine and blood.Helps identify inflammation in the body and other important indicators needed for diagnosis.
  2. Prostate secretion analysis.Reveals the presence or absence of an infectious agent that could lead to a breach.
  3. Bacterial susceptibility tank.It is necessary when bacterial prostatitis is detected for the correct choice of antibiotic treatment.
  4. Blood test for prostate specific antigen.The PSA level determines the current problems in the functioning of the glandular organ.
  5. General history.Collected at the beginning of the diagnosis. The study evaluates the temperature of the sub-fever, the frequency of inflammation and disorders of the dyrus.
  6. Instrument diagnostics.The urologist will be able to see the full picture of the disease after the patient undergoes a study of the urogenital system using TRUS, digital rectal examination and magnetic resonance imaging. If the disease is latent, then PET-CT will help identify it.

Before treating a disease, a specialist must be sure of its correct diagnosis. If necessary, you can consult other narrow profile specialists who also treat prostatitis and identify its causes.

Sometimes a urologist refers a man to an oncologist for examination. This is because neglected prostatitis can one day lead to overgrowth of glandular tissue. In this context, the patient shows signs of adenoma or prostate cancer. The oncologist will perform standard procedures with the patient that allow to detect the malignancy of the pathological processes in the prostate.

After complete diagnosis, the patient will be able to start treatment for prostatitis. The entire course should be conducted under the full supervision of a specialist so that he can monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.